Feel free to contact our cybersecurity teams in case of a cybersecurity-related issue, and particularly if you want to report a potential vulnerability. Please bear in mind that only emails composed in English can be considered and encrypted communication is preferred.
Contact for Products and Services
Email: OT_disclosure@siemensgamesa.com
PGP Public Key and Fingerprint:
F664 188E F570 4E20 67F0 B5B5 C41A 8534 ECCC B6F4
Contact for Corporate Systems & Infrastructure
Email: IT_disclosure@siemensgamesa.com
PGP Public Key and Fingerprint: AFD0 369A A14A 83A9 A2B1 E7B7 15D8 8F52 8384 A252
Please, consider the next Vulnerability Disclosure Policy guidelines to support you in the correct reporting process: