Rasmus Hvidbjerg Jensen, blades project manager, told us about the development of the blades for this project – and about what it means for the project that the first prototype of our largest wind turbine is now fully installed. His team’s responsibility is to develop and deliver a total of five blades to the turbine project; three blades to be installed at the prototype and two additional blades for test-rig testing.
“One could say that the next generation wind turbine blade is the same as its predecessor, just longer and bigger – and that is true looking at it from a distance. The fact is that we have more engineers working on technology development feeding into our next and new blades designs than we have engineers working on the design of the blades themselves”, explains Rasmus.
What does it mean for you and for the project that the prototype is now ready for installation?
Arriving at the prototype largest wind turbine fully installation, we see the final result from all modules as the blade, hub, nacelle and tower come together to form the full turbine. We see the work of hundreds of engineers, production workers and others being assembled after months of close cooperation. We have groups involved on almost all continents of the world to make this amazing giant rise up and take its final form.
As one who’s been in the industry for more than two decades, I am amazed to see how large structures we can design, produce and operate with a dedicated technology focus.